Radisson signs 10 new hotels in rapid South Asian expansion

Post Content
2024-06-26 17:09:07

Radisson accelerates African expansion with seven new hotels

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2024-06-25 15:09:04

Post Content
2024-06-20 17:09:03

Putin seeks big expansion of Arctic trade in North-East Passage

Post Content
2024-06-07 20:10:17

Chinese funding keeps Cameroon's deep seaport expansion project afloat

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2024-05-26 12:07:28

Tesla criticizes protests against its German factory expansion

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2024-05-13 22:07:52

EU marks 20th anniversary of eastern expansion as Ukraine war rages

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2024-04-30 21:07:30

Germany's Hapag-Lloyd sets out expansion strategy up to 2030

Post Content
2024-04-16 19:09:10

Expansion plans for Porsche test track in Italy halted

Post Content
2024-03-28 17:13:08

NHS vaccinations to be booked online in drive to increase uptake

The digital expansion follows the success of the Covid vaccination programme, NHS England says.
2023-12-13 03:06:55

Humanitarian crisis worsens in Gaza as Israel-Hamas fighting resumes

Israeli airstrikes hit about 200 Hamas targets in Gaza, the Israel Defense Forces said Monday, a day after the IDF announced expansion of its ground operations to the entire enclave after the collapse of a truce with Hamas. Follow for live updates.
2023-12-05 07:06:26

EU leaders support expansion of Solidarity Lanes for exports from Ukraine

Post Content
2023-10-27 18:09:21

China's Xi: BRICS expansion injects new vitality to group's cooperation

Post Content
2023-08-24 12:01:11

San Francisco launches driverless bus service following robotaxi expansion

Post Content
2023-08-18 20:50:34

West Bank: US 'troubled' by Israeli settlement expansion plans

Israel has approved the construction of 5,700 new homes in the occupied West Bank.
2023-06-27 06:15:20

'Don't Say Gay' expansion requested by DeSantis approved

Post Content
2023-04-19 20:09:22

North Carolina set to become 40th state to expand Medicaid after yearslong battle in GOP-led statehouse

North Carolina is set to become the 40th state to expand Medicaid to low-income adults after the GOP-led state legislature dropped its long-standing opposition to the Obamacare provision.
2023-03-24 00:05:51

IMF approves $650 billion expansion to fight pandemic

2021-07-09 17:06:36

Játékok is jöhetnek a Netflixre

Több hónapnyi spekulációt követően a Netflix már nyíltan beszél arról, hogy szívesen nyitna a videójátékok felé, ez azután vált egyértelművé, hogy a céghez csatlakozott Mike Verdu, a játékipar elismert szakembere, aki dolgozott már többek közt a Facebook Oculus projektjén, valamint az Electronic Arts, Zynga és Atari cégekkel is. Verdu a Netflix játékkiadásért felelős csapatát fogja vezetni, és ő is felel majd a többi szakember kiválasztásáért. Ugyan a Netflix hivatalos bejelentést még nem tett arról, hogy pontosan milyen szolgáltatással jelentkezik, de a Bloomberg újságírója belsős forrásokra...
2021-07-15 12:06:01

Ethiopia's Tigray forces 'enter neighboring Afar region'

Forces from Ethiopia's northern Tigray region have mounted attacks in neighboring Afar region, a spokesman for Afar said on Monday, marking an expansion of an eight-month-old conflict into a previously untouched area.
2021-07-20 13:05:42

Ethiopia's Tigray forces enter neighboring Afar region, Afar says

Forces from Ethiopia's northern Tigray region have mounted attacks in neighboring Afar region, a spokesman for Afar said on Monday, marking an expansion of an eight-month-old conflict into a previously untouched area.
2021-07-20 13:05:42

Ethiopia's Tigray forces enter neighboring Afar region, Afar says

Forces from Ethiopia's northern Tigray region have mounted attacks in neighboring Afar region, a spokesman for Afar said on Monday, marking an expansion of an eight-month-old conflict into a previously untouched area.
2021-07-20 15:05:42

MO high court says Medicaid expansion 'valid'

2021-07-23 03:05:42

China appears to be expanding its nuclear capabilities, US researchers say in new report

China is building a second field of missile silos in its western deserts, according to a new study, which researchers say signals a potential expansion of its nuclear arsenal and calls into question Beijing's commitment to its "minimum deterrence" strategy.
2021-07-28 08:05:41

Drought worsens in California as region faces more triple-digit heat, making it tougher to control the wildfires

The dire drought that has been smothering much of the West for months got even worse this week, with areas in California and the Pacific Northwest seeing an expansion of drier conditions, which have fueled menacing wildfires across the region.
2021-07-30 11:05:49

Vajna Tímea vőlegényének milliárdos családjával épül tovább Sarka Kata cégbirodalma

BLTN Expansion Kft. néven új céget alapított Sarka Kata bulvárszereplő, üzletasszony az Alaszka Investments Kft.-vel közösen. Utóbbinak a tulajdonosai Vajna Tímea vőlegényének, Ráthonyi Zoltánnak a családtagjai. A hárommillió forintos alaptőkével létrehozott BLTN Expansion ingatlan-adásvétellel foglalkozik, Sarka a kisebbségi tulajdonosa. A milliárdos vagyonú debreceni Ráthonyi család legutóbb akkor került a hírekbe, amikor a néhai filmügyi kormánybiztos és kaszinótulajdonos Andy Vajna özvegye, Vajna Tímea magánéleti kapcsolatba került Ráthonyi Zoltánnal (a napokban már az eljegyzéséről tett ...
2021-08-18 12:06:01

Climate change: Dragonflies spread north in warming world

The expansion of dragonflies across Britain and Ireland is an indicator of climate change, say experts.
2021-09-07 12:06:30

Biden is priming the pump for Trump Part Deux

Let's be clear: For most people Joe Biden was not elected last November to get us out of Afghanistan. His election was not a blank check to oversee a dramatic expansion of the federal government. His victory wasn't even wholly about halting the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, although surely that was top of mind for many voters at the time.
2021-09-16 09:05:52

Satellite images reveal North Korea expanding facility used to produce weapons-grade uranium

New satellite images obtained by CNN reveal North Korea is expanding a key facility capable of enriching uranium for nuclear weapons, renovations that likely indicate the country plans to significantly ramp-up production at this once-dormant site in the near future, according to experts who analyzed the photos.
2021-09-16 20:05:42

Low-income Missouri residents finally gain Medicaid coverage

Medicaid expansion has finally begun in Missouri, nearly five months after Republican Gov. Mike Parson unsuccessfully tried to block it.
2021-10-05 05:05:41

County Courthouse expansion completed

2021-10-13 02:05:44

Biden admin announces plans for massive expansion of wind farms off US coasts

The Biden administration is planning to aggressively expand offshore wind energy capacity in the United States, potentially holding as many as seven new offshore lease sales by 2025.
2021-10-14 00:05:45

China's economy grew 4.9% in the third quarter

China's economy grew just 4.9% in the third quarter of 2021, the weakest rate of expansion in a year as the country contended with a major energy crunch, supply chain disruptions, and deepening debt woes in its outsized property sector.
2021-10-18 05:05:42

China's economic growth slows to 4.9% in the third quarter

China's economy grew just 4.9% in the third quarter of 2021, the weakest rate of expansion in a year as the country contended with a major energy crunch, supply chain disruptions, and deepening debt woes in its outsized property sector.
2021-10-18 06:05:45

New 620-mile railway connects China and Laos

China's intense railway expansion has marked a new milestone with the official opening of a new track that pushes beyond its own frontiers into its southern neighbor Laos.
2021-10-19 15:05:47

Elon Musk used government money to build Tesla. But he fears a tax on billionaires

Think of the billionaire tax as the Tesla solution to Democrats' search for revenue to pay for their expansion of the social safety net ... if only they can convince Sen. Joe Manchin, the West Virginia Democrat.
2021-10-28 01:05:47

'Indigenous people have the knowledge': Conservation biologist Erika Cuéllar on restoring the planet

An arid region of open forests and grasslands spanning three countries and more than a quarter of a million square miles, this is Gran Chaco. It's the second-largest forest in South America after the Amazon, but has long been neglected, suffering from deforestation, agricultural expansion and the effects of climate change.
2021-11-01 13:05:48

Manchin issues warning to Democrats on Biden's economic package

Sen. Joe Manchin said he won't support the $1.75 trillion social safety net expansion bill Democrats are negotiating until there is "greater clarity" about the impact it will have on the country's national debt and the economy, casting major doubt about whether President Joe Biden can get his agenda through Congress.
2021-11-01 21:06:13

Tesla opens its chargers to other electric cars

A pilot scheme in the Netherlands is intended to pave the way for large-scale global expansion.
2021-11-02 15:07:19

Stargazers in Chile's Atacama Desert search for alien life and 'dark energy'

In Chile's dry Atacama Desert, stargazers are scanning the clear night skies to detect the existence of life on other planets and study so-called "dark energy," a mysterious cosmic force thought to be driving the accelerating expansion of the universe.
2021-11-02 17:05:49

Galapagos marine reserve: Conservationists hail expansion

Conservationists say the move will protect migration routes for many endangered species.
2021-11-03 18:06:53

Stargazers in Chile's Atacama Desert search for alien life and 'dark energy'

In Chile's dry Atacama Desert, stargazers are scanning the clear night skies to detect the existence of life on other planets and study so-called "dark energy," a mysterious cosmic force thought to be driving the accelerating expansion of the universe.
2021-11-19 11:06:15

Democrats face a major challenge now that the bill has been approved by the House

House Democrats have voted to pass President Joe Biden's sweeping $1.9 trillion social safety net expansion legislation, a victory for the party even as the legislation faces a tough road ahead in the Senate.
2021-11-19 18:06:05

UK to offer booster shots just three months after second dose

All adults in the United Kingdom will be able to get their booster Covid-19 vaccine doses three months after their second shot, the government indicated on Monday, in a dramatic acceleration of the country's inoculation drive that comes amid fears over the Omicron variant.
2021-11-29 19:05:46

Russia Ukraine: Lavrov warns of return to military confrontation nightmare

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov floats the idea of a new European security pact to prevent Nato expansion.
2021-12-02 14:18:46

Elizabeth Warren calls for expansion of Supreme Court, saying current court is a threat to democracy

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday called for the US Supreme Court to be expanded with more justices and said that the current court "threatens the democratic foundations of our nation."
2021-12-16 01:07:49

$65 million jail expansion underway

2022-01-05 15:05:55

NATO rejects Russia's demand to halt future expansion

2022-01-08 03:07:53

Papa Johns plans to open over 1,350 stores in China

Papa Johns is making a big bet on China.
2022-01-08 16:06:08

Hatalmas fejlesztéssel robbanhat be a magyar piacra egy román ingatlancég

Mintegy 120 ezer négyzetméteres ipari és logisztikai központ kialakításával jelenhet meg a magyar piacon a romániai központú Griffes. Bár a projekt részletei még nem ismertek, annyi biztos, hogy egy Budapest melletti területet érint a döntés. A cég tevékenységéről és céljairól az alapító, Andreea Păun, a Property Forumnak beszélt.
2022-01-20 21:53:51

US and NATO responses fail to address Russia's main concerns, says Foreign Minister Lavrov

The written responses presented by the United States and NATO to Russia's security demands fail to address Moscow's concerns over the eastward expansion of the military alliance, Russia's Foreign Minister said Thursday as fears of a possible invasion of Ukraine remain high.
2022-01-27 21:06:27

US and NATO responses fail to address Russia's main concerns, says Foreign Minister Lavrov

The written responses presented by the United States and NATO to Russia's security demands fail to address Moscow's concerns over the eastward expansion of the military alliance, Russia's Foreign Minister said Thursday as fears of a possible invasion of Ukraine remain high.
2022-01-27 21:06:28

Russia-Ukraine tensions: Zelensky praises allied response

President Volodymyr Zelensky highlights the support of allies and announces an expansion of the army.
2022-02-01 16:08:34

New satellite images show buildup of Russian military around Ukraine

More evidence has emerged of a steady build-up of Russian military equipment and deployments around Ukraine, with new satellite images revealing a further expansion of the military presence at multiple locations in Belarus, Crimea and western Russia.
2022-02-02 14:13:33

New satellite images show buildup of Russian military around Ukraine

More evidence has emerged of a steady build-up of Russian military equipment and deployments around Ukraine, with new satellite images revealing a further expansion of the military presence at multiple locations in Belarus, Crimea and western Russia.
2022-02-02 14:13:39

New satellite images show buildup of Russian military around Ukraine

More evidence has emerged of a steady build-up of Russian military equipment and deployments around Ukraine, with new satellite images revealing a further expansion of the military presence at multiple locations in Belarus, Crimea and western Russia.
2022-02-02 14:13:40

Őrületes összegeket adnak az európai nagybankok az olajkitermelők bővülésére

Egy hétfői jelentés szerint az európai bankok több milliárd dollárnyi finanszírozást nyújtanak olaj- és gázkitermelés bővítésére, annak ellenére, hogy a Nemzetközi Energiaügynökség, a globális felmelegedés lassítása érdekében, ellenzi az ilyen jellegű új létesítményeket - írja a Reuters.
2022-02-15 09:09:58

Őrületes összegeket adnak az európai nagybankok az olajkitermelők bővülésére

Egy hétfői jelentés szerint az európai bankok több milliárd dollárnyi finanszírozást nyújtanak olaj- és gázkitermelés bővítésére, annak ellenére, hogy a Nemzetközi Energiaügynökség, a globális felmelegedés lassítása érdekében, ellenzi az ilyen jellegű új létesítményeket - írja a Reuters.
2022-02-15 12:13:36

What China really means when it talks about NATO's eastward expansion

When Russian armed forces launched an unprovoked assault on Ukraine last month, Beijing appeared to side with Moscow, accusing the United States and its NATO allies of inviting conflict by allowing their security bloc to expand eastward.
2022-03-23 07:05:57

What China really means when it talks about NATO's eastward expansion

When Russian armed forces launched an unprovoked assault on Ukraine last month, Beijing appeared to side with Moscow, accusing the United States and its NATO allies of inviting conflict by allowing their security bloc to expand eastward.
2022-03-23 08:06:00

Inside the Colorado steel plant owned by a company accused of potentially supplying Russia's military

The steel mill that looms over low-slung neighborhoods in Pueblo, Colorado, is a rare bright spot for American manufacturing. Once part of the state's largest private employer, pumping out steel that was used to build rail lines across the Western US, it is now in the midst of a major expansion and recently became the world's first steel plant to run almost entirely on solar power.
2022-04-05 00:07:39

New York revives gifted and talented program with major expansion

New York City is expanding its controversial gifted and talented student program.
2022-04-14 23:07:17

Nato expansion: Finland and Sweden set to announce plans to join bloc

The US and UK will reportedly provide security support to the nations during the application process.
2022-04-26 12:22:10

Példátlan útvonalhálózat-bővülés jön az egyik legnagyobb amerikai légitársaságnál

A United Airlines kedden közölte, hogy története legnagyobb transzatlanti terjeszkedését indítja el 30 teljesen új és újraindított járatával április közepétől június elejéig.
2022-04-26 15:14:20


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